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Join the MDBBA

The MDBBA is comprised of attorneys for debtors and/or creditors, as well as their support staff, across the Middle District of Pennsylvania. There are several benefits to joining the Middle District Bankruptcy Bar Association. For one, the association offers both social and networking events, which can be a great opportunity for lawyers to meet and connect with others in the industry. Additionally, the association offers four to six hours of free continuing legal education courses only to members, which provides four to six of the twelve credits needed each year. Finally, the association hosts an annual conference, which is be a valuable opportunity for lawyers to learn from industry experts, connect with colleagues, and stay current on the latest trends and issues in the field.

Levels of Membership

All membership levels come with the same benefits, but pricing varies based on membership level.  Current pricing can be seen on the Join Us page.  

Regular Members: Attorney practicing more than five years
Associate Members: Attorney practicing less than five years
Legal Aid Members: Attorney working for legal aid organization
Support Staff Members: Support staff of a current Member

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About the MDBBA

The MDBBA is comprised of attorneys for debtors and/or creditors, as well as well as their support staff, across the Middle District of Pennsylvania. We offer our members four to six free Zoom CLEs per year, plus our annual live Conference providing  CLE credits, monthly social gatherings, access to a members-only Google Group for district wide updates, and much more.

Middle District Bankruptcy Bar Association, Inc. is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

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